Check out Yoga poses for beginners and have a happy cutting down of your belly fat! Here are the five stunning Yoga poses for newbies, enjoy learning it and get the total health rewards that your body wants!
1. Blowing Tree
Advantages:Fortifies defenses and promotes good digestive system
Let's stand with feet a bit apart. Inhale and raise your right arm, stretch it upward. Breathe out and bend to the left from your waist. Now bend your left knee. Feel how it improves the stretch in your right hip, waist and side by the ribs. Inhale and come up slowly. Exhale and lower your right arm. Repeat to the other side
2. Churning Butter
Many benefits: It tones up your stomach muscles, tones your kidneys, deep massages your abdominal organs, and releases your hips and hamstrings.
Let's sit down with legs outstretch, interlock your fingers and straighten up your arms on shoulder level, lean forward and move your trunk clockwise in a circle, imagine you're trying to paddle with a wooden paddle. Your hips at the pelvic point, the movement from your upper body should be great, in other words, while retaining your legs immobile and without dropping your arms, stretch your arms in each direction as far as you can without tensing. Do it again to the other side
3. Easy Arrow
Amazing benefits:Tones your abdominal organs and aiding flushing out
Fold both knees slightly; bring your left heel close to your left buttock. Take hold of your ankle, flex your right foot and take hold of the outer edge, now stand your right leg pointing it upward, stretch your spine upward and lean slightly lifting your left foot off the floor, try balancing on your buttocks, breathe slowly and consistently, in order to maintain good balance, your back should be lifted upward while all together broadening your chest. Softly shift your weight forward, left foot touching the ground, bend your right knee and lower your foot. Repeat to the other side
4. Easy Spinal Twist
Positive factors:Revitalizes your internal organs, relieves constipation and gas, relieves minor back pain, boost your energy.
Cross your right foot over the left leg, and place it in the outside of the path. Place your left elbow or the outside of your upper arm against the outside of the right knee, hold on to your left knee or shin, now raise your right arm up, and around your back, and place your palm behind the buttocks, with your fingers pointing back, as you exhale, twist to the right as far as you can go, hold the pose with soft breathing, twist a little more with each exhalation, press your arm against your knee to help you twist further. Carefully return to the center; now switch the positions of your legs, This time straighten the right leg and cross your left foot over, place your right elbow or upper arm against the outside of the left knee, then straighten your elbow and hold on to your right leg, inhale as you stretch your long arm up and back, placing your hand behind your buttocks, with fingers pointing back, As you exhale twist to the left, be aware that the movement is coming from the abdomen, waist and hips. Your neck and other parts of the torso just follow, breath gently, presses your arm against the left knee to enable you to twist further. Carefully return to the center, release your leg. Shut your eyes, relax your thighs and hips, rest your hand, calm down your shoulders and neck, rest your abdomen and muscles.
5. Easy Bow
Many benefits: Boosts your nervous system, regulates digestive disorders, and regulates menstruation.
Let's lie face down, place your chin on the ground, bring your right hand in front of your shoulder, fingers pointing forward, bend your left knee and hold on to your foot with your left hand. Inhale and cautiously lift your left leg and torso off the ground, breathe slowly while holding the pose, press your right hand into the ground for support but as much as possible. Try to utilize the strength of your lower back muscles to help you lift the torso, before you come down, take a full inhalation and gradually breathe out as you lower the abdomen. The shoulders and hand should also little by little return to the ground, release your left foot. Perform to the other side
By Erna J. Barfield
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