- Weight losses have ranged from 30 to 300 lbs.
- Duration of successful weight loss has ranged from 1 year to 66 years!
- Some have lost the weight rapidly, while others have lost weight very slowly–over as many as 14 years.
- Many have tried to lose weight more than once and finally, usually after a significant medical or emotional event, they succeed
The researchers found that there were 7 successful habits shared by the participants which included a significant amount of weekly exercise, eating breakfast, counting calories, consistent diet and a healthy diet. These findings were congruent with many shared on the National Weight Control Registry website which says that 78% eat breakfast, 75% weigh themselves once a week, 62% watch less than 10 hours of TV per week and 90% exercise on average 1 hour per day.
Of all the tips and habits that we read in the update, the one that struck us the most was that the registry members ate consistently. They kept their diet healthy and low in calories and fat and they did not get side-tracked with special occasions, holidays or weekends.
Most people do not know what they are going to eat until their next meal and they make the decision when they are hungry. Our casual observance always shows that the end result is not the best result for calorie totals. Menu planning and shopping advice is the number one request we receive from our readers. We decided to share a rather new trick we have started in our own kitchen.
A few months ago I started making a weekly list of our favorite foods. Once I wrote those down, shopping and cooking became effortless – look at the list and pick one! We eat the same things over and over each week because they are our favorites. There is no more reinventing the wheel or trying to be too creative. Did you ever notice when you go out to eat you always order the same thing at a restaurant? Well, why not do that at “your” restaurant? Sure, you can alter your list and add new dishes or change them as needed. You can also find something neat to prepare in the store. But we find just having a plan is a good idea. We are not stuck in some rigid “every day meal plan” but in a road map for what we like to eat. The ingredients are there and the items are written down so we don’t forget. We can even get ahead – take the chicken or pizza dough out of the freezer, soak the beans.
Here is our “ongoing menu” which usually keeps the crock pot busy a few days per week – we have started eating a lot more legumes from scratch:
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