Do you usually come down with a cold once the winter months hit? Apple cider vinegar may be the thing you need to stop those colds dead in their tracks. If you've already got a cold, it can work in such a way that you'd get better faster. However, apple cider vinegar is best used for preventing illnesses. For example, if your throat starts hurting, mix equal parts warm water and ACV, and gargle with it. You can even try taking 2 tablespoons of ACV daily. This helps in detoxing your body. Many people report that they are able to avoid sore throats and colds in the winter months when they regularly use ACV.
Athlete's foot is a terrible condition that causes your feet to itch, the skin on your feet to peel, and unsightly rashes to cover your feet. Athlete's Foot is caused by a fungus and it can be hard to get rid of it. If you don't treat it, however, it will most likely migrate to other areas of your body. Be aware also, that athlete's foot is very contagious. You can even spread it to other people who come in contact with the clothing you wear, such as your socks.
There isn't much to making apple cider vinegar a regular part of your diet. Many salad dressings call for vinegar, so you can create your own variety using ACV. It won't hurt to put some in whatever you drink. Some of the old country home medicines are made using hone and apple cider vinegar together. This helps overcome how sour ACV can be. If, however, you are one of those people who absolutely hate the taste of vinegar, you won't want to drink it in any form. Fortunately, you can buy apple cider vinegar as a capsule or pill. For the cause of weight loss many people learn to do just fine drinking or eating a small dose of ACV.
D.C. Jarvis was considered a leading expert on the benefits of apple cider vinegar and he authored several good books about its benefits. He found it equally beneficial for humans and animals. One of the maladies a lot of us suffer from is arthritis and D.C. Jarvis talks about how helpful ACV is for this health issue. The high mineral content of apple cider vinegar is what D.C. Jarvis attributes to its ability to aid arthritic maladies. One mineral that is especially vital in the treatment of arthritis is potassium. Not only do the folks who have tried ACV for their arthritis have benefited, but they report that they also have better mobility in their joints.
So there you have it -- some of the health benefits that can be derived from apple cider vinegar. Whether you have acne, indigestion, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol, apple cider vinegar can help. It appears that apple cider vinegar has a beneficial and detoxifying effect on the entire body.
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